Compiler Intermediate Language Format

The intermediate language used in this compileris a form of three-operand instructions. It is similar to a high-level assembly language program, however, the instructions as shown in output documents resemble a higher-level language syntax rather than a traditional assembly language syntax. However, each instruction is still only a small piece of the puzzle; for example there are arithmetic instructions which take two operands and return a result, conditional instructions which compare two operands and perform a branch, GOSUB instructions which branch to a subroutine, etc. Like other intermediate languages it is more similar to assembly languages than high level languages.

1.0.0 Example program

As example, consider this extended hello world program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  for (int i=0; i < 10; i++)
      printf("hi %d\n", i);

when the /Y switch is used to compile it, the compiler dumps out the initial intermediate code representation as generated from parsing, and the optimizer dumps out the final intermediate code representation after all optimizations have been applied and registers have been assigned

The initial representation looks something like this:

segment end exitseg

segment codeseg

global _main

global _main
; Line 3: int main(int argc, char **argv) 
; Line 4: { 

  PROLOGUE    unset

  _i:LINK(0).I =   #0.I
  T0.I =   _i:LINK(0).I
  CONDGO  L_7:PC ; T0.I S>= #A.I

; Line 6:         printf("hi %d\n", i); 

  T0.I =   _i:LINK(0).I
  PARM    T0.I
  PARM    #L_1:PC.A
  GOSUB   #_printf:PC.UI

  T0.I =   _i:LINK(0).I
  T2.I = T0.I + #1.I
  _i:LINK(0).I =   T2.I
; Line 5:     for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) 


  T0.I =   _i:LINK(0).I
  CONDGO  L_5:PC ; T0.I S< #A.I

; Line 7: } 

  RV.T3.I =   #0.I
  GOTO    L_3:PC

  EPILOGUE    unset
  RET #0.UI

segment end codeseg

segment stringseg


  DC.B "hi %d"
  DC.B 0xa    
  DC.B 0x0
  extern _printf

Here the Txxx variables are compiler-generated temporaries; they haven't been assigned to either registers or the stack at this point.

Lines such as:

T0.I  = _i:LINK(0).I

assign a temporary variable from a program-defined variable. At this point the variable is assumed to be stacked at offset 0 on the stack. Offsets are relative to where the stack pointer is when entering the function. The offset will be 0 at this point because register allocation and stack allocation are performed in the optimizer rather than in the parser.

Here the .I means it is an integer value. In general operands will be qualified with the value type in these types of outputs.

Lines such as:

T2.I = T0.I + #1.I

perform arithmetic functions; in this case it is adding 1 to T0 (T0 being a load of '_i').

Lines such as:

CONDGO  L_5:PC ; T0.I S< #A.I

perform a comparison then a branch. An x86 assembly language rendition of this instruction might be:

cmp ecx, 10
jl L_5

assuming T0 was later stored in ECX.

GOSUB, PARM, and PARMADJ go together to form a call site. Note that when using FASTCALL, the parms are just replaced by assignments to temporary variables.

the following give the backend hints about what to generate at the beginning and ending of functions. For example is a stack frame required, how much space to allocate to variables, what registers to push, etc... These are mostly target-specific although a little will be said about them.

These values are assigned by the optimizer; coming out of the parser they are set to 'unset'.

   PROLOGUE    unset
   EPILOGUE    unset

instructions such as this:

DC.B "string"

define data, in this case a sequence of bytes. To define a integer one might do:

DC.I  4

to define data which is a reference the address of main

DC.A  _main

and so forth.

The BLOCK and BLOCK END statements indicate the beginning and ending of basic blocks; basic blocks will often be terminated by a branch instruction.

Finally, instructions like this:

RV.T3.I =   #0.I

instruct the compiler to generate the sequence required for a return value, e.g. on the x86 most integers would be moved into EAX. Not shown here you can also have something similar after a GOSUB statement:

GOSUB  #_compute_value:PC.UI
T4.I = RV.T3.I

In this case the RV refers to the value returned by the function, with the assumption on the x86 that T3 would be in EAX.

There are other registers on the x86 that are predefined, for example EAX/EDX are used in division and some forms of multiplication.
When a specific register must be used it is called precolored.

Not shown in this example is the indirect mode of temporary access:

T0.I  = #_i:LINK(0).I
T1.I = (T0.A).I

being the same thing as:

T1.I = _i:LINK(0).I

This becomes more useful when explicitly calculating pointer values

A second representation is dumped after the optimization is complete. In the case of the sample program it looks something like this:

segment codeseg

global _main

global _main
; Line 3: int main(int argc, char **argv) 
; Line 4: { 

  PROLOGUE    #8000000000000008.UI,#0.UI

  T3(EBX).I =   #0.I

; Line 6:         printf("hi %d\n", i); 

  T2(EAX).I =   T3(EBX).I
  PARM    T2(EAX).I
  PARM    #L_1:PC.A
  GOSUB   #_printf:PC.UI

  T3(EBX).I = T3(EBX).I + #1.I
; Line 5:     for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) 


  T5(EAX).I =   T3(EBX).I
  CONDGO  L_5:PC ; T5(EAX).I S< #A.I

; Line 7: } 

  RV.T0(EAX).I =   #0.I

  EPILOGUE    #8000000000000008.UI
  RET #0.UI


segment end codeseg

segment stringseg

  DC.B "hi %d"
  DC.B 0xa
  DC.B 0x0
  extern _printf

The salient differences after optimization are that it figured out that it could put _i in register EBX and elided various temporaries initially defined for the increment. It also figured out what values to use for the prologue and epilogue; from these values one can gather one register is pushed (EBX?) and there is a stack frame used for referencing either variables or arguments or both.

2.0.0 Detailed list of instructions

An overview was given showing example output files; next will be a list of all the possible intermediate language instructions.

2.1.0 Operands

2.1.1 Operand types

Operand types are used to qualify operands. In the intermediate language, operands are simple data values; a structure or array would be viewed as a sequence of simple data values each of which is usually independently accessed. But there are exceptions, for example the block copy will copy the entire contents of a structure from one place to another.

For example:


here T3 is an address, and _counter is an integer. For indirections through a temporary there are two types:


Here the first type will usually be .A (in a future version of the compiler it could also be .FA) and the second type will be the type of the data being referenced through the pointer.

The complete list of types is as follows:

2.1.2 Memory qualifiers

Non temporaries usually have a memory qualifier, indicating what type of memory is being used. For example is it an AUTO variable? In RAM? In the CODE segment?


Valid are:

2.1.3 Operand expressions

Expressions in operans are a subset of the expressions generated by the front end. They do a few basic things like adding or subtracting constants from addresses, or negating an expression.

2.1.4 Operands

As discussed operands have types and qualifiers. There are five types of operands. These include constant values, variable values, pointer indirections, and temporary values.

which as per section 2.1.3 the constants can be added to other constants:

#_buffer:RAM.B + 5

2.2.0 Intermediate instructions

Most simple operations are trivially described by an instruction, however, this does not imply that the target processor code generated will be simple. For example shifting, multiplying, or dividing long longs would be the same as with 32-bit integers in the intermediate language, but might result in a call to some library helper function on an architecture with 32 bits.

2.2.1 Passthrough


The passthrough instruction is a placeholder for a programp-specified assembly language instruction. These are target-specific, and no attempt is made to display the actual instruction in these types of output files.

2.2.2 Label


Label definitions such as the one for L_5 are compiler-generated labels used for the targets of implicitly declared branches such as the ones in IF-ELSE or WHILE statements. They are also used in other situations, e.g. for SWITCH_CASE statements, labels targeted by the GOT instruction or for C++ exception table information.

2.2.3 GOTO


an unconditional branch to another location

2.2.4 GOSUB

GOSUB _compute_somthings:PC

a branch to a subroutine.

This will usually be accompanied by PARM and PARMADJ instructions. For example the C language function call:

AddTwoNumbers(5, 10)

might be generated as follows:

PARM #10.I
GOSUB #_AddTwoNumbers:PC

where the PARMADJ cleans the stack up after the function call.

there is also a PARMBLOCK which pushes a structured value on the stack:

PARMBLOCK _structuredValue.A(#20)

The compiler might sometimes use STACKALLOC to create space for a temporary class or structure being constructed then passed to another function. The PARMADJ would take care of cleaning up such allocations.

2.2.5 RET

RET #8

This returns from a subroutine. Here the optional number would be used for example in WIN32 STDCALL functions (or in PASCAL functions) to pop the arguments off the stack after returning.

2.2.6 Add

T4.I = T3.I + T2.I

Add two values and store the result in T4

2.2.7 Subtract

T4.I = T3.I - T2.I

Subtract two values and store the result in T4

2.2.8 Unsigned divide

T4.UI = T3.UI U/ T2.UI

Divide two values and store the result in T4

2.2.9 Unsigned modulus

T4.UI = T3.UI U% T2.UI

Divide two values and store the modulus of the result in T4

2.2.10 Signed divide

T4.I = T3.I S/ T2.I

Divide two values and store the result in T4

2.2.11 Signed modulus

T4.I = T3.I S% T2.I

Divide two values and store the modulus of the result in T4

2.2.12 multiply unsigned and return high word

T4.UI = T3.UI U*H T2.UI

Multiply two unsigned values to an intermediate type of unsigned long long, and return the high 32 bits of the result

This is used to optimize DIVIDE by constant instructions.

2.2.13 multiply signed and return high word

T4.I = T3.I S*H T2.I

Multiply two signed values to an intermediate type of signed long long, and return the high 32 bits of the result

This is used to optimize DIVIDE by constant instructions.

2.2.14 multiply

T4.UI = T3.UI * T2.UI
T4.S = T3.S * T2.S

Multiply two values and store the result in T4

2.2.15 shift left

T4.I = T3.I << T2.I

Shift a value left and store the result in T4

2.2.16 Unsigned shift right

T4.I = T3.I UI >> T2.I

Shift a value right and store the result in T4

2.2.17 Signed shift right

T4.I = T3.I S>> T2.I

Shift a value right and store the result in T4

2.2.18 Bitwise and

T4.I = T3.I & T2.I

Take the bitwise and of two operands and store the result in T4

2.2.19 Bitwise or

T4.I = T3.I | T2.I

Take the bitwise or of two operands and store the result in T4

2.2.19 Bitwise exclusive or

T4.I = T3.I ^ T2.I

Take the bitwise exclusive or of two operands and store the result in T4

2.2.20 Negation

T4.I = -T3.I

Negate a value and store the result. This will be two's complement on many target processors.

2.2.21 Complement

T4.i = ~T3.I

Take the ones complement of a value and store the result.

2.2.22 assignments

T4.I = T3.I

assign one operand to be equal to another

2.2.23 Switch statements

Switch statements come in two parts. The first part specifies the switch selector and default clause, and the second part is a list of constant/Label pairs (for the cases).

This is the entire processing of a switch in the parser and optimizer, however, the backend may be smarter and try to do something like generate a binary tree of conditional branches for a large list of sparse cases. or a lookup table for a non-sparse list.

COSWITCH(#3.UI, T3.I, #10.UI, L3)
SWBRANCH(#14.I, L_7)

here we define a switch based on the value of T3.I. There are three case values and the spread between the lowest (5) and the highest +1 (21) is sixteen. From this information the backend can deduce the sparseness of the branch list.

The cases go labels 5,6,7 and the default label is 3.

2.2.24 block assign

T3.A BLOCK= #_structaddress:RAM.A(#20.I)

move a structured value with 32 bytes from RAM to a temporary area

2.2.25 block clear

T3.A BLKCLR(#20.I)

clear a block with 32 bytes

2.2.26 block compare

BLKCOMPARE:L_10:PC, T3.A, _buffer:RAM.A

compare two blocks

2.2.27 Conditional branches

CONDGO:L_10:PC ; T3.I == #5

branch to label 10 if T3 is equal to 5. The == may be replaced by a variety of other conditional operators. These include:

2.2.28 Computation of equality or inequality

T5.I = T3.I == #5

compute a boolean indicating whether the two values are equal. The == may be replaced by a variety of other conditional operators. These include:

2.2.29 Debug blocks

The beginning and end of source code blocks are delimited by the DBG_BLOCK_START and DBG_BLOCK_END tags, for correlation of variable declarations with positions in the code segment. This is used by the debugger.

2.2.30 Basic blocks

Basic blocks as generated by the code generator are delimited by BLOCK START and BLOCK END statements. These blocks are used by the optimizer and don't bear an obvious relationship to the blocks specified in the source code. Instead of optimizing on a per-instruction basis most optimizations are done on a per-block basis. Blocks are guaranteed to end when a branch has been indicated, so they are also often used to graph the branch tree of a function.

2.2.31 Prologue and epilogue

PROLOGUE #8000000000000008, #14
EPILOGUE #8000000000000008, #14

these give indications to the backend about the needs of the generated stack frame for a function.

The first number has the high bit set if a stack frame is required; the lower bits indicate which registers that need to be pushed are being used.

The second number gives the amount of space to allocate for local variables.

2.2.32 Stack allocations


Allocate 12 bytes on the stack and return the new stack pointer


Load the stack pointer into T3.A


Save T3.A into the stack pointer

These are used by alloca; STACKALLOC also is used in other situations.

2.2.33 tags


expression tags are used by the MSIL backend for making sure that certain types of nested expressions get appropriate 'pops' generated.


Tags are used by the MSIL backend to indicate a call site.

2.2.34 Windows SEH

SEH tags are used to bracket windows exception handling sequences. At the beginning of the sequence one of the SEH modes will be signalled, orred with #0x80. At the end of the sequence the SEH tag will appear with the mode not orred with #0x80.


the body of the SEH sequence is a __try block statements


the body of the SEH sequence is a __catch block statements


the body of the SEH sequence is a __fault block statements


the body of the SEH sequence is the __finally block statemnts

2.2.35 Atomics

T3.I = ATOMIC FLAG FENCE #memoryOrder, _i:RAM.I
T3.I = ATOMIC TEST AND SET #memoryOrder, _i:RAM.I
CMPSWP address, value, third
XCHG first, second

Various atomic operations.

2.3.0 Data and administrative instructions

2.3.1 Segment statements

segment code
segment end code

brackets a sequence of code or data into a logical section. The following predefined sections exist:

2.3.2 Variable definitions

global _main
export _exportablefunc

declare a named label, and give it linkage attributes

external _rra
import _rra

linkage declarations for an external variable

2.3.3 Label definitions


declare a compiler-generated label

2.3.4 reserve memory

reserve 55

reserves 55 bytes of uninitialized memory

2.3.5 Symbol reference

DC.A _counterVariable

declares data which is the offset of _counterVariable

2.3.6 startup reference

DC.A _startupFunc, 32

Defines data which is a startup function to put in a startup or rundown table, and give it a priority

2.3.7 label reference

DC.A L_5

declares data which is the offset of a compiler-generated label

DC.I L_77 - L_3

define data which is the difference between two label offsets. Used by exception handling data generation

2.3.8 Define data

DC.B #77

Defines data which is a constant. The .B may be replaced by any of the basic types:

Note that in the special case of DC.B a string constant may appear in place of the numeric constant.

DC.B "hello"

2.3.9 Virtual sections

virtual sectionName
virtual end sectionName

section name is a compiler generated name, which is off the mangled value of a C++ function name or data.

2.3.10 Alignment

align 4

aligns current section on 4-byte boundary

2.3.11 Virtual table thunk

[this] = [this] - 16
goto @myfunc$qv

when overriding base class virtual functions with derived class virtual functions, it is sometimes necessary to add a thunk to adjust for the new offset of the this pointer of the base class within the derived class.

2.3.12 Import thunk

section data
printf_pointer DC.A L_5
section end data
section code
     goto [printf]

It is sometimes necessary to generate a thunk through the windows import table, for example for defining data which is supposedto be a pointer to a function in the DLL.

2.3.13 member pointers which are pointers to virtual members

GOTO [[this] + %d]

used as a thunk to branch to a virtual function, when referenced from a member pointer variable.

2.13.14 Auto variable reference

DC.I OFFSETOF _i.Link(-4) + 0

defines data which is the offset from the top of the stack frame of an auto variable in a function. Used in exception processing to locate variables to destroy during stack unwinding.